Bryce Canyon Camping


Convenience Store

Our store is stocked with a variety of goods. If you forget something, chances are we probably carry it. Cold drinks, ice, snacks, RV supplies, and souvenirs are all available. 

Restrooms and Hot Showers

Our restrooms are new and very clean. Unwind in our warm showers after a long day of travelling. Restrooms and showers are accessible “around the clock” for all park guests.



We have quarter-operated laundry machines. There are multiple machines that allow you to do all your laundry at once. This leaves more time to spend doing what you actually came to do – HAVE FUN.


Children can get their wiggles out from a long day of travel at our playground. We have tether ball, cornhole, horseshoes, swings, and slides.

Dog Area

Give your “furry” companion a workout in our new dog park. Well mannered pets are invited to play in this area off-leash. Your pets will thank you.